This is the most recent census date from Luton Borough Council and will inform the categorization of Luton as part of my essay. This is factual information and has no bias.

Annotated Bibliography Synopsis

2015 Indices of deprivation in Luton MAP

Luton has nine output areas in the top ten percent most deprived areas in the country. Three of these are in Northwell, two in Farely and South wards and one in Biscot and Dallow wards. Insight is provided through mapping indices of deprivation experienced by local communities. Maps have been produced for all the indices for Luton.

Indices are used widely to analyse patterns of deprivation, The 2015 Indices of multiple deprivations ranked Luton as 59th most deprived local authority
out of 326. In 2010 it was ranked 69th, in 2007 it was 87th and in 2004 the 101st most deprived local authority, which, is clear evidence that Luton becomes more depraved as time goes on.

(, 2017)

References (2017). 2015 Indices of Multiple Deprivation. [online] Available at: Indices of deprivation in Luton.pdf [Accessed 5 Nov. 2017].